The Russian Battlefield
Главная Сражения Описание отдельных боев. 1941 год TIRASPOL-MELITOPOL DEFENSIVE OPERATION: July 27 to September 28

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Автор: Дмитрий Егоров
Впервые опубликовано 22.10.2009 22:17
Последняя редакция 25.11.2011 11:47
Материал читали 14598 человек

By August 8, having broken the resistance of 6th and 12th Soviet Armies, the Germans has had an opportunity easily to advance to Dnieper and in back to a troops of Southern Front. In this situation began retreat of Southern front on the left bank of Southern Bug. Thus Germans were ripped on the joint of 9th and Primorsk Armies, having forced them to head out on missing directions: Primorks Army - on the south to Odessa, and 9th and 18 Army - on the east to Nikolaev. The Germans had intersected a highway Odessa-Nikolaev.

On August 10, formations of 9th Army came to Nikolaev and have begun a ferry through Southern Bug.

On August 11, the 18 Army fought at the night on the right flank for Sukhoj Elanets, New Odessa. Sukhoj Elanets, Zhenevo, Krivorozhie and Mikhailovka were captured by the enemy. 18th Army has taken the positions: 164th Rifle Division- Peskorskiy-Budenovka-Suvorovka line; 130th Rifle Division - Shevchenko-Shmidtovka area; 96th Mountain Rifle Division - at northern outskirts of New Odessa; Staff- at Sebino. 9th Army retreated under the onslaught of the enemy (5th Inf Division, 1st Pz Division, 1st Motor Div) in the southeast direction on Varushino-Shpeer-Komissarovka line. The enemy has captured Nechayannoe. Primorsk Army deployed as follow: 30th Rifle Division - Veselyj Kut-Danilovka area. 2nd Cavalry Corps - New Savitskoe, Sednekovka (Krivoj Rog direction). 5th Cavalry Division - at Marianovka-Khristoforovka-Dobraja Krinitsa. At New Grigorievka-Konstantinovka area are taken the prisoners from 16th Motor Division and the staff documents. The staff of the 17th Rifle Corps and 169th Rifle Division were sent to the rear to reform. The Danube Military Flotilla protected the flanks of 18th Army at New Odessa-Peski area. In that situation the army of front have received the order:

18th Army - to defend Nv. Bug, Nv. Odessa line.

9th Army - to defend Varushino, Raspol’e, Tashino line.

Coastal Army - Shirokoe, Severinovka, Beljaevka area.

To organize 3 sectors of a defense of Nikolaev.

"In difficult conditions 9th Army retreated. From front it have impacts of three army corps of 11th German Army (8 divisions), and from a north to conduct scrambling with 48th Motorized Corps and Hungarian Corps tending to saw of path of withdrawal. August 13, the main forces of 9th Soviet Army have appeared surrounded in region of Nikolaev. The heavy combats have begun."

On August 15, 1941, 2nd Cavalry Corps moved from Dmitrievka, Maleevka area to Andreevka, Shesternya area (in alertness of attack on Krivoj Rog). Because of bad situation, the corps has the order to attack in Javkino-Barmashovo direction and to ensure the withdrawal of 18 army and 9 army on east coast of Ingulets river. The main forces of 18 Army have crossed on east coast of Ingul river and battle in the operative encirclement at Peresadovka, st. Grejgovo, st. Lotskino, Dobraja Krinitsa, Bolatskoe, Ingulka area. The army has the task to retreat in Snegirevka direction and to breakthrough from east at Nikolaev area (in coordination with 2nd Cavalry Corps and 9th Army). 9th Army is covered with 51st Rifle Division and Danube Flotilla from west and northwest at Nikolaev area. Other army units and marines regiment attack in east and southeast direction, having the task to destroy the mechanized enemy units at Shevchenko, Kopani area, and clearing the ways of retirement on Kherson and line of Ingulets river.

The positions of units before attack:
Marines regiment - southeast outskirts of Shirokaja Balka, Kulbakino.
30th Rifle Division - from Kul’bakino to Vodopoj;
48th Rifle Corps (rests of 74th, 176th,150th Rifle Div) - Vodopoj - Ingul river line;
Danube flotilla - to north from Nikolaev and Iuzhn. Bug river.

18th and 9th Armies, cooperating with Danube flotilla, 2nd Cavalry Corps and 296th Rifle Division, were ordered to destroy the enemy at Barmashovo area.

August 16.

"Germans, being boosted by reserves, prolongs to develop offensive operation against a troops of Southern Front with the purpose of exit on the east bank of Dnieper and in the south to the Black Sea, developing impact in directions Alexandria, Dnepropetrovsk, Krivoy Rog, Zaporozhye; Nikolaev, Odessa.

On the Alexandria direction acts not less by than one panzer, two infantry divisions; to 16.8 opponents has left on a boundary Dnieper river on segment Klochkovo, Krukov, Uspenskoey, Mishurin Rov.

On Krivoy Rog-Zaporozhye direction not less by than one panzer, two motorized divisions; to 16.8 there was on a boundary Sofievka, Stalindorf, Krivoy Rog, having taken possession last city.

On the Nikolaev direction not less than two panzer, two motorized, one - two infantry divisions directly to Nikolaev from west, north and east, encircling formations of 18th and 9th Soviet Armies by impact from north-east on Nikolaev, with attempts to trap ferries through Ingulets river.

On the Odessa direction up to two army corps (six infantry, not less than two-three regiments of Romanian Cavalry Corps); to 16.8 has left on a boundary Starey Belyary, Visirka, Kremidovka station, Rotmistrovka, Kalantaeyvka, Troitskoye.

The formations of Southern Front as a result of combats of last decade under pressure of enemy forces were retreated in unprofitable conditions and grouping, than there was on all operational directions rather composite and heavy situation.

To create conditions capabilities of production of desirable re-groupings, updating and reduction in the formations of 18th and 9th Armies to prevent threat of breakthrough of the opponent on the east, was resolved to put forward not ready and not completely made up and equipped divisions of Reserve Army on the prepared boundary of Kremenchug, Alexandria, Krivoy Rog, Ingulets river. Absence of tanks in Soviet formations of front and even not full equipment of new divisions, completely poor maintenance by communication facilities promoted fast withdrawal on the east, under a head of motor-tank formations, 233rd, 273rd, 253rd Rifle Divisions and 26th Cavalry Division".

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