The Russian Battlefield
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Кривые пробивной способности танковых пушек

Автор: Валерий Потапов
Впервые опубликовано 25.01.2006 17:52
Последняя редакция 14.10.2009 12:57
Материал читали 19095 человек

(бронебойный снаряд, угол встречи снаряда с броней 90°)

Кривые бронепробиваемости танковых пушек

См. фотокопию с оригинального документа

Прорисовка: Валерий Потапов
Источник: Справочник ЦНИИП ГБТУ КА, 1944.

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0 #4 JACKSKELETON 16.04.2011 13:32
I simply wouldn't believe it.Since all other guns in the table are basically the value given by other sources.And russians in 1957 still prides in the M-62gun on T-10 which can penetrate 185mm on 1000m.
0 #3 AGS 07.02.2011 13:27
Hello Valeriy, thanks for the quick answer. Just a few points to clarify.

In a previous comment, you said that the armor was penetrated if at least 75% of the projectile armour were found behind the plate*.Also, how many rounds in the test had to reach this performance? If I remember correctly it was 80%:

IP: 20% of projectile's fragments go through the armor. 80% of all projectiles fired have to reach this performance.
CP: 80% of projectile's fragments go through the armor. 80% of all projectiles fired have to reach this performance.

Finally, do you know what kind of 122mm AP ammo was fired in that test? BR-471 or BR-471B?

* The armor counted to be penetrated if at least 75% of a projectile's fragments happened to be found behind the armor plate. Most of the Soviet armor penetration tables based on this value. Curiously, but the German way of calculation the armor penetration was based on 50% penetration. That's why the Soviet and the German penetration values are so different.

0 #2 Валерий Потапов 04.02.2011 15:13
This diagram shows IP ('Initial penetration') while table data shows SP ('Sertified Penetration')
IP = 20% of projectile's fragments are go through the armor

SP = 80% of projectile's fragments go through the armor.

Practically IP means about 50% probability to knock out a tank. SP means about 95% probability to knock out a tank.
+1 #1 AGS 04.02.2011 14:45

The penetration data for D-25 gun in this graph is much higher than the one given in other sections of the website:

______________5 00_____1000_____1500____2000
BR-471________152______142______133_____122 at 90°
BR-471________122______115______107_____97 at 60°

BR-471B_______155______143______132_____116 at 90°
BR-471B_______125______120______110_____100 at 60°

Why is there such a large difference? is the penetration criterion the same (80%)?


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