Semi-Fixed Ammunition
Semi-Fixed Ammunition

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Index Caliber, mm Type Weight, kg Weight of a charge, kg Fuse
OF-420 107 mm Long-range high explosive fragmentation 17.2 2.15 RGM, D-1 Guns and howitzers
OF-420U 107 mm High explosive fragmentation 17.4 2.01 UTG-2 Guns and howitzers
F-420U 107 mm High explosive 16.54 1.8 UTG-2 Guns and howitzers
F-422K 107 mm Old-type high explosive 16.41 1.54 ZGT Guns and howitzers
F-422M 107 mm Old-type high explosive 16.41 1.7 RGM Guns and howitzers
F-422L 107 mm Old-type high explosive 16.41 1.56 UGT, UGT-2 Guns and howitzers
OF-471N 122 mm High explosive fragmentation 25 3.8 RGM, D-1, V-90 Guns
OF-471 122 mm High explosive fragmentation 25 3.6 RGM, D-1 Guns
OF-462 122 mm High explosive fragmentation 21.7 3.67 RGM, D-1 Howitzers
F-4891 127 mm English, steel, high explosive 27.17 2.785 ##101, 192, 103 127 mm English gun
F-4891K 127 mm English, steel, high explosive 27.17 2.785 ##101, 192, 103 127 mm English gun
OF-530 152 mm High explosive fragmentation 40 6.86 RGM, RGM-2, V-90, D-1-U, RG-6 Howitzers
OF-530A 152 mm Iron cast high explosive fragmentation 40 5.66 RGM-2, V-90, D-1-U Howitzers
F-533 152 mm High explosive 40.41 8 RGM, RGM-2, RG-6 Howitzers
F-533K 152 mm High explosive 40.68 7.3 RGM, RGM-2, RG-6 Howitzers
F-533N 152 mm High explosive 41 7.3 UGT-2 Howitzers
F-533U 152 mm High explosive 40.8 8.8 UGT-2 Howitzers
F-534F 152 mm French type, high explosive, cast iron 41.1 3.9 AD, AD-2, ADN Howitzers
F-521 152 mm High explosive 41.7 7.7 RGM-2, RG-6 Howitzers
F-531 152 mm English type from 6" howitzer, high explosive 41 7.3 UGT-2 Howitzers
OF-540 152 mm Long-range high explosive fragmentation, steel 43.6 5.9 RGM, RGM-2, D-1, D-1-U, GVMZ, V-90 Guns
OF-540G 152 mm Long-range high explosive fragmentation, steel 43.6 6.25 RGM, RGM-2, D-1, D-1-U, GVMZ, V-90 Guns
F-542 152 mm Old-type high explosive with sharp tip 38.1 5.86 RGM Guns
F-542G 152 mm Old-type high explosive with sharp tip 38.52 5.93 4GT, UGT-2 Guns
F-542ShG 152 mm Old-type high explosive with blunt tip 41 5.93 4GT Guns
F-542Sh 152 mm Old-type high explosive with blunt tip 40.6 6.06 RGM Guns
F-542ShU 152 mm Old-type high explosive with blunt tip 40.86 5.96 UGT, UGT-2 Guns
F-542U 152 mm Old-type high explosive with sharp tip 38.36 5.77 UGT-2 Guns
OF-550 152 mm High explosive fragmentation 49 7 RGM BR-2 and B-30
OF-551 152 mm High explosive fragmentation 48.9 6.53 RGM, D-1 BR-2
F-625 180 mm High explosive 100 23.4 RGM-2 Guns and howitzers
F-625D 180 mm High explosive 100 15.77 RGM-2 Guns and howitzers
F-620 180 mm High explosive 98.75 18.97 5DT-2 Guns and howitzers
F-621 180 mm English, high explosive 98.35 15.91 UGT Guns and howitzers
F-621G 180 mm English, high explosive 98.51 15.91 4GT Guns and howitzers
F-643 210 mm High explosive 135 19.1 RGM-2 210 mm gun BR-17
High explosive 'Skoda' 210 mm Czech 135 19.02 N6-CVZR-70 and DZDR-58 210 mm gun BR-17
21-cm Gr.18 211 mm German, high explosive fragmentation 113 ? ? 211 mm gun V-3
21-cm Gr.18stg 211 mm German, steel, high explosive fragmentation 113 ? ? 211 mm gun V-3
F-674 280 mm Steel, high explosive 286.7 58.7 5DT-2, 5DM BR-5
F-674K 280 mm Steel, high explosive 200.7 33.6 5DT-2, 5DM -same-
F-674F 280 mm French, iron cast, high explosive 205 36 5DT-2, 5DM -same-
F-724 305 mm Steel, high explosive 376.7 78.6 8G-12 305 mm howitzer mod.1915
F-724(?) 305 mm Iron cast, high explosive 376.7 28.2 8G-12 -same-
F-724K 305 mm English, steel, high explosive 344 55.1 UTG-2, RG-6 -same-
'A'-type 305 mm French, steel, high explosive 376.8 81.8 ? -same-
Mod.1907 305 mm High explosive 331.7 28.5 ? -same-
Mod.1911 305 mm High explosive 470.9 61.5 MRD -same-
? 305 mm Czech, high explosive 330 43.45 CHVZR and DZDR-58 305 mm howitzer BR-18
B-420 107 mm - 18.86 0.44 DR-1, DR-5, DP Guns
BR-471 122 mm With a sharp tip 25 0.156 MD-8 Guns
BR-471B 122 mm With a blunt tip 25 - MD-8, DBR Guns
Mod.1915/28 152 mm Naval semi-AP 51.07 3.15 KTMF Howitzers
BR-540 152 mm With sharp tip 48.8 0.66 MD-7, DR Guns
BR-540B 152 mm With blunt tip 48.96 0.48 DBR Guns
BP-540 152 mm - 27.44 - GKV, GPV-3 Guns and howitzers
G-471 122 mm - 25 2.2 KTD, KTD-2 Guns
G-530 152 mm Long-range 40 5.1 DBT, KTB Howitzers
G-530Sh 152 mm - 40 - DBT, KTB Howitzers
G-540 152 mm - 56 4.2 KDT Guns
G-550 152 mm - 49 7 KDT, KDT-2 BR-2 and B-30
G-551 152 mm - 49 - - BR-2
G-620 180 mm - 100 15.36 DBT, KTD Guns and howitzers
G-620T 180 mm - 146 10.72 DBT Guns and howitzers
G-675 280 mm - 246 44.8 KTD BR-5
MI-1063 305 mm Czech, high explosive 465 34.2 DZDR-58 305 mm howitzer BR-18
G-643 210 mm - 154 8.167 DZDR-58 210 mm gun BR-17
Anti-concrete 'Skoda' 210 mm Czech 154 8.167 DZDR-58 -same-
21-cm Gr.18 Be 211 mm German 121.4 ? ? 211 mm gun V-3
Sh-422 107 mm - 17.25 0.44 45 sec. Guns and howitzers
Sh-422T 107 mm - 16.44 0.44 T-6 Guns and howitzers
? 127 mm English, steel, high explosive 27.2 0.128 ##62, 83, 86 127 mm English gun
Sh-501 152 mm - 41.16 0.5 45 sec. Howitzers
Sh-501T 152 mm - 41.16 0.5 T-6 Howitzers
OH-420 107 mm Fragmentation 17.2 - RGM Guns and howitzers
HS-420 107 mm Fragmentation 16.9 - KTM-2 Guns and howitzers
HN-422 107 mm Fragmentation 16.4 - UGT-2 Guns and howitzers
HS-422 107 mm - 16.4 0.35/1.7 UGT-2 Guns and howitzers
OH-471 122 mm Fragmentation 25 - RGM Guns
H-462 122 mm - 21.8 - KTM-2 Howitzers
Z-422 107 mm - 17.2 0.035/1.6 T-6, T-7 Guns and howitzers
D-422U 107 mm - 16.73 0.32/1.76 UTG-2 Guns and howitzers
S1 152 mm With parashute, illuminating time - 40 sec. 40.2 - T-7 Howitzers


Special thanks to:
Serge Starostin

This page belongs to The Russian Battlefield
